Tuesday, February 10, 2009


It's something that I started my first year in college...I would write the words DENY FLESH on the inside of my wrist to remind myself of my tendency to give into the desires of my flesh. The last few days I've been thinking bout this quest of denial...about beating my body to make it my slave...about may willfull sins not rule over me...about counting all as lost compaired to knowing Christ. It seems so much falls into place when we become disciplined. I've been so surprised the last few years how the discipline of this physical body so often is directly related to spiritual discipline. As physical exercise gets harder and hearder for me ( I'm 32 weeks pregnant and growing every day) the mental strength it takes to get up and get moving is unlike anything I've ever fought...but there is something about moving that puts my heart at ease and my soul at rest. I just wanted to encourage all of you girls...not that physical activity would be an idol but that you would strive for discipline- just getting up and out to move and in those times to meet with your Creator who so graciously gave us the ability to run, jump and play! I pray that exercise would draw us closer to our Lord and not more in love with our bodies- that will soon fade away.
Let us press on to know the Lord. Nothing that is worthwhile comes with out a fight!


Jen Stutzman said...

So awesome!!! Running is always a journey with the Lord for me.

Jen Stutzman said...

Annie, I just read this again. Thank you so much for this entry it just really hits home for me. I love you!!!