Saturday, July 4, 2009

pressing on!!!!!

Ok, girls. WE DID IT!!! We trained for and completed the triathalon...WOO HOOO!!!!! A million thank yous to all of you who have encouraged me over the last several weeks whether in person or blog. Its been awesome!!!


Let's continue to press on and continue to sweat even after we've crossed the finish line. I've had so much fun getting in shape and the Lord has showed me so many things about Himself and my identity in Him through it all (which is definitely the most important part-staying Spiritually healthy). So get it, girls...keep it up!!!!!!! .decide.committ.succeed.

lots of love,

1 comment:

Jen Stutzman said...

You got that right. NOw it is the LIncoln City half marathon next May??? Where my girls at?? ARe you with me tonight?