Thursday, July 9, 2009


An update on how the triathlon went. For me it was very different from the first time I did it 2 years ago. I think I could focus more on God because I was in a little better shape. During the run I felt the pain and thought about those being persecuted for their faith. I thought about how the pain I was feeling was nothing compared to those suffering and it strengthened me to prayerfully think about that. I prayed for Jake and Jeni and their longing for the 3 children in Ethiopia. One of my friends that I trained with named Rhiannon, was right ahead of me and I was challenged to stay with her. She really motivated me to pick up the pace. In the end we finished together, sprinting in our minds, though it may not have looked like sprinting to those watching! It felt so good to exert all I had, empty myself physically. The sense of teamwork was awesome with Rachel, Katie, Rhiannon, Ellie, Rachel Barry, Hannah, Jess, Amanda, my Mom, and even Jeni who ran in Alabama at the same time we were running. Thanks for running with us, Jen! It was a bonus that I shaved a good amount of time off my last triathlon recorded time.
I am going to enjoy walking some again. Its been all bike and run for the last 2 months. I love running for burning the fat around the hips and gut, and I love walking for slimming down the thighs. I don't have pics but I am sure someone will post a few soon.

1 comment:

Jen Stutzman said...

Yeah man I am so proud of you girls. I still can't believe I couldn't be there. I am dying to see some pictures of you guys!