Saturday, September 26, 2009

Speed Walking

So this week I did a little speed walking because my knee was bugging me a bit in my runs. IT had been a long time since I had walked for exercise. So I went two miles on the treadmill with a little incline, my butt was so sore in the morning. I have not been that sore in a long time. Walking totally uses muscles that running does not. I was pleasantly surprised and was reminded that I need to put walking into my work outs. I am still sore today, so awesome!!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

I Love Fall!!!

Fall Greetings to all the" SWEAT & GET FIT "LADIES! I am in love with the Lincoln bike paths right now as all the trees are beginning to change colors, and working out in the cool air instead of the humidity. Hope everyone is enjoying their fall workouts. I have committed to working out 5 days a week this fall. I joined a running club at the YMCA that meets Tuesday nights at 6 and Sat. mornings at 8:30am. You have the option of running a 2, 3, 4,or 5 mile run each time and there are people that run all of them so I never feel like I'm the only person running 2 miles. It's been a great motivator with running. Then on Wed. & Fri. I do BOOTCAMP....or as I would like to call it 2 a days at Adams Central for volleyball. It is intense and half way through when we are on our 10th suicide in the gym or on our 4th time up 4 flights of stairs I am usually almost to tears and cussing!!! But afterwards I feel so proud of myself for finishing. This class has made me sore in places I didn't know existed! Then on Mon or Thurs (changes days each week) I walk with Grayson and do sit ups, push ups, etc. at home. I, like Liz said in the previous blog do better when I try and stick to the same schedule. I am traveling to Europe in October with a dear friend and we will be doing alot of walking and I want my body to be prepared for that so I'm not sore. With that being said does anyone have or know of a good walking shoe? I don't really want to wear tennis shoes the entire time so I would love suggestions!!! Hope you all are having a blessed September, and keep on keeping on!!!! God Bless!!!

Monday, September 21, 2009

The Groove

I am getting into a nice groove with workouts for the last couple months. I love having things the same, a constant schedule. This never happens with the changes in motherhood, but at least for now I am really enjoying running with my dog on Saturday and Monday mornings before anyone else is awake. Then I walk twice a week usually pushing two kids. I think back to 9 months ago when running 1 mile felt like someone lit my heart and lungs on fire. My legs felt like they had heavy weights attached. But, now I see the definition coming in my muscles, and I think back to last winter when nothing was changing in my body and I was working hard. That was when I wrote the "Stuck" post and you guys encouraged me on, thank you!
I love fall, and I am thankful to be able to keep on running outside until winter. The weights and toning needs to be added into my workouts, any favorite ways you guys have of getting this done? I do like pilates, but I always do the same workout so I am bored. Any ideas?

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Why Run?

I was sweating, my lungs were burning, my legs were heavy and I thought, why do I run? When did I first run just to run. I used to run because a coach told me to. As I thought back on this I remembered, it all happened after God saved me. There was so much joy in this time and so much pain. Pain of my sin, pain of relationships ending, pain of earthly loneliness. First it was pain that drove me to run and after some time it was joy. Joy of my salvation, joy of new relationships, joy of His presence (I am never lonely). That was when I was 17 years old. Now I am 28 and why do I run today. I run today because of Pain of my sin, pain of earthly loneliness, frustration with life, AND, joy of my salvation, joy of His presence, and to glorify and worship Him. As a stay at home mom, it is the place that I clear my mind, it is a very special time. As long as I am able I want to run. I will never be a great runner but i am so thankful for it. To all my fellow runners, keep it up. I know it is hard to find time, but it is worth the time!! Pain in this world drives me to run, but joy unseen keeps me going!

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Still here!!

Hello girls!! Linds, I am still running and loving it! Linds, I have always had trouble with boots that zip up. Big calves are great for running so do not get rid of them. You may just have to find different boots. Each day I am just waiting for the cool weather to come to Alabama so I can enjoy my running outside. I am also doing kick boxing and some weight training. I want to find a 5k or 10k to do. Running continues to be very healing for me. I got some new running shoes that I love Nike Lunarglide+. I would love to hear how everyone it doing??

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Just because...

no one is blogging, doesn't mean no one is running! Right?! Well, it is true for me, at least. I thought you ladies would get a kick out of this. So, I've been running on average 20 miles a week--about 4-6 at a time. Lately, I've noticed my calves are getting big again (I've had a problem with this before) and today I went shopping for fall clothes. I bought a flannel shirt and decided to try it on with my boots at home. I got home and put it on but I COULDN'T ZIP UP MY BOOTS!

Does anyone have a remedy for large calves?! I HAVE to wear my boots this fall and winter!!

Happy running everyone! I hope the Lord is blessing you all with his precious presence. He's so good, isn't He?