Monday, September 21, 2009

The Groove

I am getting into a nice groove with workouts for the last couple months. I love having things the same, a constant schedule. This never happens with the changes in motherhood, but at least for now I am really enjoying running with my dog on Saturday and Monday mornings before anyone else is awake. Then I walk twice a week usually pushing two kids. I think back to 9 months ago when running 1 mile felt like someone lit my heart and lungs on fire. My legs felt like they had heavy weights attached. But, now I see the definition coming in my muscles, and I think back to last winter when nothing was changing in my body and I was working hard. That was when I wrote the "Stuck" post and you guys encouraged me on, thank you!
I love fall, and I am thankful to be able to keep on running outside until winter. The weights and toning needs to be added into my workouts, any favorite ways you guys have of getting this done? I do like pilates, but I always do the same workout so I am bored. Any ideas?


Jen Stutzman said...

I do weight videos because it is hard for me to stick with lifting if I just do it with no guidance. You should go to a class at the gym once a week. I am glad you found your groove, it is easier to stay consistent.

Unknown said...

Liz...don't be modest! You are taking CYCLING classes too!!! GO GIRL, GO!