Friday, June 19, 2009

Lovin' my runnin'

Liz, you have inspired me to update you all!
I'm at it again...the point where I cannot wait to get off work so I can go running. Things have been crazy for me in the last two weeks, but one of the things that has remained constant is my running. Since it is one of the only times where I can clear my head and be alone with the Lord, I've made sure to do it consistently. I am training for a half marathon in August and next week is my 'jump' week (or the week where i really push for distance). It's been a slow, but great start. I have switched things up a bit. My running crew who I usually run with is scattered all over this summer and we won't reunite until the race in August, so I've been running alone a lot lately. This has been a blessing because like I said it really helps me clear my head and spend time with the Lord. BUT my good friend and neighbor has started running with me on Mondays, so that is good. Also, I've been trying to run trails and different terrain at least once a week. The hills are really forcing me to focus on breathing better. Last night I went on a great run. I pushed through my tired point and ran 4 miles plus did some sprint/jog intervals. I feel really good about where I'm at in my training after last night.
I do however need to find another form of exercise because my knees are needing a break. Maybe I'll start using my roommates bike!
Anyway, I am proud of all you ladies...especially those of you with children. I'm tired after a long day of work, so I can't imagine how tired you all are after a day of running after your kids. Keep it up ladies! I hope you all are loving your running as much as I am ;)


Liz said...

Thank you for taking the time to update us all! I loved running in California when Jeni and I lived there. It was so predictably nice the months we were there Aug.-Dec. Its always encouraging to hear of sisters in the faith pursuing God and time with Him.

EL said...

I totally agree. I love running alone, and have that alone time with me and God.

Jen Stutzman said...

So awesome LInds. Keep it up and take care of your baby caps. IS that what he calls them??