Thursday, April 16, 2009

Slow, but steady...

Yes...still here. My work outs have been good. It is still very strange to me to use the words 'work out' and 'good' in the same sentence :-). As I like to tell Liz, "It hurts so good!" I have found, personally, that working out with a buddy seems to really push me farther/harder than I would working out by myself. I did go out on a walk/slow jog monday with me, myself, and I...but its just easier to excuse yourself from more pain when you're alone. I love the accountablitiy and companionship of running with a partner.

Also, will Jake still be designing the t shirts?? I just loved Annie's suggestions of writing 'DENY' somewhere on your body as a reminder to beat our flesh into submission that I thought...maybe we could print the word 'DENY' on the backs of all the shirts that way, as we're racing we have that constant reminder...everybody besides the person in the lead, I guess ;) Just a thought.

1 comment:

Jen Stutzman said...

Great idea Rachel, I will tell Jake. You have no idea how sad I am to not be there.