Saturday, January 24, 2009

gotta start somewhere, right?!?

The count down begins...the infamous triathlon is fast approaching. Although the anticipation brings much excitement, I must admit, I am nervous. I know, I know...its not a competition...but let's be real...I haven't ran or even jogged a mile in over a year. Yikes!

My sweet baby Silas was born 12/11/08--9 lbs, 21.5 inches. With a 9 lbs babe, you can imagine the 'slight' weight gain I experienced...and I would gain all 50 lbs back in a heart beat if it meant another health little boy. Eventually, though, reality LIFE is pretty much back to normal (no more avoiding kitty liter or blaming my obesity on my bun-in-the-oven) but my body is definitely NOT back to normal. My first day out on the track was a doozy, to say the least. Before heading out, I decided I would walk for at least 30 minutes. On my last lap, I was graced with a moment of bravery. I decided I would jog the rest of the way home (approximately 3 blocks). As my pace quickened, I glanced down at my feet, hoping to see cement blocks stuck to my ankles...because that's what it felt like. Sad to say; it was just my legs. Not to mention my nursing boobs giving me two black eyes...

I am, however, excited and determined to exchange this post-baby body for a hott, healthy physique. It'll be a long road but I'm willing to make the journey. Baby steps...because we gotta' start somewhere...right?!? So this is me encouraging everyone out there to keep trucking can do it! "...for physical training is of some value, but godliness has value for all things..." 1 Timothy 4:8

Me with my baby boy!


Liz said...

Don't think to much about it- Just do it! That is what I tell myself as I think about all the reasons I can't work out today. I say, stop thinking and just do it. Once I start, then I am committed to making it worthwhile. This is a time to find out what real perseverance is, what is feels like, the pain, the selfishness/laziness being killed. It will be fun to see how God uses our physical fitness to teach us different things. Go Girl!

Jen Stutzman said...

Yeah Rachel!!!!!!! Hello sista! YOu are so right you have to start somewhere. I know the pain girl. NO PAIN NO GAIN. As we put our bodies into submission and our flesh it is awesome to see what the Lord has to teach us, just like Elizabeth said.
love you, you go girl!!!