Thursday, January 22, 2009

training week!

hi ladies! i hope all of you are doing well since my last's been a while. well, here's an update for my sweat track.

i've been wanting to run a 10k ever since i ran my 5k in november, but i've been putting the training off for a long time. well, i looked at the calendar the other day and realized if i was going to commit to the 10k in march, i MUST start training THIS week. so, i put my mind to it and started running again consistently.

the training is actually doable. my only problem has been the lack of daylight when i get off work. so one of my prayers has been to either provide me with longer days or give me a running partner. ha. well, today i found a great friend who wants to train with me, and i am so excited. now i can run in the dark because i'm not by myself!

anyway, because i hadn't ran in such a long time, i had forgotten how much i loved it and how it makes me feel. i am reminded now and loving every step as my feet hit the pavement. i hope the lord is blessing all of you as he has been blessing me!

we have a new saying at work by the way. i feel it captures what we're all trying to do. please join me in saying... 'We're gonna be Fine in 2009!' ha.

1 comment:

Jen Stutzman said...

Awesome!! Running in CA has got to be a blast. Keep going girl. Running has to just be a part of our lives even when we don't fell like doing it. Just like showering.