Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Consistency & Companionship

My blog posts have been pretty scarce lately...mostly because to journal on an excercise blog, its kind of essential that a person is actually excercising. Which as of late has not really been happening. I told myself that before I could post a blog I needed to have a week of consistent work outs...not just one random morning that Liz drags me to the gym.

With that being said...I have had a week of consistent work outs! Don't get me wrong, there is still a lot of pain but its feeling more enjoyable each time I get out. I know many of you are not around the Hastings area, but for those who are, Liz has put together a very casual 6 week training schedule. Whether your single, married, mama or even pregnant...we all meet either at Liz's house or at a park and take turns working out with partners and push each other to "decide. committ. and SUCCEED!!!" It has been a major blessing for me personally, as I ALWAYS push harder with a partner by my side. I am looking forward to another week of sweating to get fit! YES!

p.s. one of my new favorite work out songs is "Jai Ho" from the movie slum dog millionaire...hopefully it has an appropriate message...its all in Indian so i'm not exactly sure. but it makes me feel like i can run another 10 miles! (which never actually happens, but it pumps me up) :-)

Silas is pretty excited too...:-)


Jen Stutzman said...

Get wild get crazy W-I-L-D!!! I just thought I would do a little cheer for you. Love you!

EL said...

I LOVE THAT SONG JAI HO. i also have it as one of my favorite work out songs!!
And all it really talks about is destiny so idk about the message but the song is good! :)