Friday, May 29, 2009


Well, as Jen just said we are just starting our half marathon training to get ready for an adventure race. I am so excited for it. It has been challenging to be consistent, but with Jen and Annie to keep me motivated it helps so much. I'm like you Rachel Haynes, I love to run with a partner. I have been so blessed to have Jen and Annie.  Jen has especially motivated me to get in shape after having a baby. 
   I am especially excited to run tomorrow though, because I just got new trail shoes. I found a super deal on the Teva X-1 Racer. Jen and Annie got a pair, and I think Liz and Rach did too. I hope they work out for you all. 
   I just want to tell all you women thank you for all of your posts. It really helps me to come and read all of your stories. Keep up the good work ladies, and always remember the real reason we are doing this. To glorify God with our bodies and to grow to love Him more every day!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

i LOVE MY TEVAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! they are so awesome!!!!! and i love you too :)