Thursday, May 7, 2009

Romantic Run

First, I have to say, I miss you too, Lil Sis! You always push me a little further than I go on my own. You are a very good motivator. I ran 3 miles for the first time in years and it felt really good, I was really shocked. Jeni didn't tell me how long the big Bertha hill was, so I was thinking the worst. Then I saw the end and was relieved that my estimation was wrong. I have very few hills out here in central Nebraska.

Now to the romantic run. I took off at 8:30 tonight for a run. It was 68 degrees with a calm breeze. I was listening to Bethany Dillon "So Far. . The Acoustic" (highly recommended) and the song "The Kingdom" and "Hero" just brought my heart to great joy thinking of my King and my Hero, Jesus. I thought of His heart for me, the day when He will come to take me away. My face burst out in a huge smile and my arms outstretched to be with Him, my King someday. Heaven will be more beautiful than the periwinkle twighlight sky against the glowing moon that I saw tonight, and the way He loves me will be more glorious than my happiest day on earth. The beauty in this creation and the thought of His strength and faithfulness romances me. I haven't run at night at all, but it was a beautiful thing. So maybe changing up the time that you run or walk will be a fun thing for some of you to do.


Jen Stutzman said...

Wow that sounds so awesome. Night runs can really be pretty amazing. It is quiet and often the most beautiful weather. I am so happy that you got to have such sweet time with our Lord. Thank you for sharing.

Lindsey said...

i love the image of you with a smile on your face, lifting your hands in the air to praise our king. it brings a smile to my face as well. glad you had a romantic run with the's inspiring.

Fisher Family said...

Liz....The last 3 weeks I have been doing a lot of night runs. It is gorgeous out and I love when the sun is setting. Sometimes I run as far as I can until it is too dark to run and call Kevin and have him come pick me up. I'm going to check out those songs you mentioned. Miss you!