Thursday, May 7, 2009

Focused thoughts

After coming off my running hiatus, I have found a new appreciation for running. All I desired tonight was to just BE with the Lord...not really pray about anything specific or really seek Him on any one thing, but just BE in His presence. With all the craziness of life, I find it hard to do this even in the comfort of my own home. So I went for a run, knowing it would help clear my head. Not only did it allow me to clear my thoughts but it was such an intimate time with the Lord. I went through so many emotions as I ran--I even cried at one point. I just felt so blessed that running allowed me to spend that time alone with God. For some reason, I can focus best when I am running. I am so very thankful for my run tonight. Because I was so focused on the Lord's presence, I ended up running 4 miles.

We are all so blessed to have the ability to work out. I think about that often when I am running. So many people can't do simple things like run or swim. So today I praise God for my legs and for the ability to run. He is so good to us! All glory and honor be to the King!


Jen Stutzman said...

Yes, Lindsey thank you for the reminder. The ability to work out is such a blessing. I know what you mean about spending time with the Lord while you run, it is such a sweet time of worship for me also. Love you girl!!

Liz said...

I had forgotten that when you start to get your body more in shape to run that you can have a great time with God running. It has hurt so bad for me for many months that I couldn't relate to people who said they could pray and run. But now I understand and it sounds like we both had sweet times with God last night!