Saturday, February 14, 2009


I wanted to update you all on my new goals and how it is going. My goals three weeks ago were: 40 min. of cardio 5x/week. "Deciding" was easy, "Committing" is a great struggle. It is part of my self-denial. My "self" wants to forget about my commitment and relax. Self-denial says, "Never give in, but do give up that hour of internet or tv to move your body." I have stayed committed and I lost 2 lbs. in the last three weeks, which is encouraging. Most importantly, I feel my body getting stronger and better able to push. As for clothes, I have a ways to go. Oh, Yeah!


Jen Stutzman said...

So awesome!! Thanks for the update.

Unknown said...

so sorry I missed you this morning...hope you had a great work out!