Saturday, February 14, 2009

Tanks are on there way to you.

Me wearing the new tanks.

We received the tanks yesterday and I sent them out to all of you today.  I have one request,  I want you all to take a picture of yourself in your new tank (be creative).  These tanks are a symbol of our team effort to not be lazy and to get ready for the triathlon.  I rode my bike for the first time today and it was so fun.  I am reading book called marathon mom and it is so great.  There is a chapter just dedicated to the health benefits of running and how that makes us better mamas and wives.  At times I know we all think I am too tired to work out but if we would just do it we would have a burst of energy to get through the day.  I find that the days I work out I have a spring in my step and the days I don't it drags.  I can't wait to see you all in your new work out tanks.


Amanda Thom said...

no way is that koda? He is seriously HUGE! when are you going to send one of them to me?

Abby McNair said...

got it - love it - thanks Jake and Jen!

love you guys!

Abby M

Fisher Family said...

Thanks for the tank...i will get my picture published soon...