Monday, November 24, 2008

Victory after a Triathlon

Good Morning to my Ladies....Well i have enjoyed reading all of your entries this morning as I have been away from my computer for a whole week. My husband and I went on a very long intense week of counseling....We had one on one sessions and were able to stay in this little cottage with no tv, no computer, no kids (which was the hardest) and just focus on each other and to focus on God. I feel exhausted this morning because I feel as if I just completed a triathlon. However I have Victory!!!! Victory in knowing that God is the ultimate healer and knowing that he can take all your hurt and pain away when we are able to lay it at his feet. Im refreshed and have a new love for my Creator that I didn't even know existed and a new love for my husband that I know I have never felt.... Since we have returned we have been attacked but we are keeping our eyes on him and running to him........No matter how hard life seems or how discouraged you are......KEEP RUNNING TO HIM. Love and Blessings to you all, Erin


Jen Stutzman said...

I am crying!! I am so happy to hear that. All we can do is cling to Christ!! You two are beautiful together. May you continue to fall more in love with Christ and your husband. I love knowing that with Christ my love can grow and become more passionate as the time passes.
love you

Nicole said...

Yeah for God and for healing! Stay strong. Like you said, the enemy will attack as he does not want wholeness in our marriages or lives. You CAN do ALL things through Christ who strengthens you!


Liz said...

I am proud of you guys for making many sacrifices to get away for a week and not just vacation, but to do hard emotional work. I can really relate to having your eyes opened to a new love with Christ. His says He can "enlarge our hearts" in Psalms. I pray for that a lot. Never give up the fight for your marriage, and know that we are all fighting too. We are fighting to love unconditionally, to forgive, to respect, and to show grace to our spouse. Love you, liz

Abby McNair said...

wow Erin... praise the Lord. The verse in James comes to mind... Draw near to him and he will draw near to you. What a promise! Praying for you and encouraged and challenged by your post.

Abby McNair said...

wow Erin... praise the Lord. The verse in James comes to mind... Draw near to him and he will draw near to you. What a promise! Praying for you and encouraged and challenged by your post.